Friday, December 29, 2017

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Actually, the scrolling prob seems to be an IE9 issue, which has been crashing a lot on two of my computers. Did you know any reason why? If I connect a external mouse to the USB Port, the mouse cursor is visible. While security concerns are fair, the sudden loss of money of control when switching to an admin window is disconcerting and apparently not reversible. S5 Active and installed on my laptop. How on earth do I open settings to get it to connect? Im running this app on my droid 3 which has a full keyboard on it, it actually types pretty good but for some reason the spacebar and the period and others keys doesnt work. In the galaxy note series, the pen that comes with the device can be detected from a distance before actualy touching the screen.

VNC protocol, which would allow you to use any VNC compatible server software, of which there are many that work on Linux. You should be able to drag and drop by pressing the left button icon once, moving the cursor to drag what you clicked, then pressing the left button icon again to release. The problem is that when I open the app on my s5, there is a mouse with a red x, and a keyboard at the top but that is it. Still a very nice app! To scroll the window with focus, drag the right edge of the screen. If you have configured a password, Touchpad will remember the password until you are disconnected from the server. Hmm, I hope you check this but it seems you might not considering your last post was April 2012. Web browser controls for not difficult browser navigation.

Using my phone and your app to post this comment! Hovering over the server icon displays the VirtualBox IP and the computer is not found by the app. But can you add connection via Bluetooth? The app seem nice, but does not work on my combo. Echoing Jenny, getting the swype functionality would be major. Unlocked and there are no servers appearing in the app. Thank you for releasing the source code for the Touchpad server and related files. Thanks for the app! Your get virtual sms number should be too.

Touchpad is a free Android app to enable you to control your windows computer from your Android device. MILLION for a sweet app! Oh, and you guys having problems connecting, try wifi tether and running the server as administrator. My internet is also pretty fast with a good ping back. Thank you again for your work will wait for the next great writing. Is there a way to change which IP address the server app binds to? It provides a simple multitouch touchpad interface to control the mouse, and accepts keystrokes from the keyboard on your device to send to your computer. Could someone help out with this issue?

Thank you for the app, I like it! With the server configured and running on the computer you want to control, run the Touchpad app on your Android device. Any idea what I am not doing? If not, might I make that a feature request? The app is compatible with my current phone though. Are you sure there were not any changes in the condition of your network? Touchpad, so I cannot connect it to anything.

With the digital calling cards buying and contacting is so simple. Or may be you will realize this possobility in next version? It is in your android phone. Wifi tether on with no 3g on worked like a charm. Hi, I installed both server and client. And when I try to drag the right edge of the screen, nothing happens. Just press and hold the multi window. Remember, Linux is a major product these days, beyond even that of the Macintosh and it will grow significantly over the years. After installing the app and the server it was very not difficult to connect, works great.

Did you also install the new server version? What could be wrong? You can either raise the permissions of TouchpadServer. Optionally, configure a password by double clicking the Touchpad Server icon in the notification area. People all over the world young and old alike use Linux. Then, you will be free to modify it as you see fit.

Just a black screen with a red cross over a mouse icon, with a little keyboard button top centre. Please make a linux server element ASAP. Also, Touchpad was very slow to connect in this circumstance! Windows will not allow TouchpadServer. Do you know of a possible fix? APK is indicating server automatically. Does the supplier have a number portability policy?

Seems to be a very usefull app. Also, if multitouch is causing problems, you can turn it off in the preferences. If you try to turn off the antivirus you will have no problem. The cursor could be used as a mouse, and when the pen is actually touching the screen, it could be used as dragging. Also, could you make the toolbar icon size adjustable? Does the other program have administrator rights? Now works with new Volume, so nevermind. However the server log shows an entry from the broadcast, so something happens. Error connecting to 10. Does not work well with Swype.

Begin controlling your computer from your Android device! Same issue here, also on a Samsung Galaxy S5. The final solution is, of course, configuring the firewall of the antivirus so that it allows the software connecting with the computer. Added Exit button to menu. Your users are expecting it. Have to go back to GMote. If you are considering VOIP telephone services, here are the leading 5 factors you ought to get VOIP service. Scroll bar is hit or miss. It seems to be a great app, very useful and i even think the GUI is awesome! The sever worked seemingly fine for a while, till I started to notice I could no longer connect across the router from my cell phone to my PC. Dell desktop combo on my home wifi.

Any chance we get bluetooth connection support in a future version? Fixed jump when first moving the cursor. Only some small stuff that hopefully an update can fix. Excelent program, two things are missing to be perfect. While it works reasonably well as a mouse for metro, it would work much better as a touch slave to the metro start screen. Would be nice to just add ESC button as someone suggested. Once I am a bit farther along with the app, I will probably release the source. Get the free Touchpad App from Google Play.

Please stop thinking of Linux as a toy for old bearded men. Wow, looks like I typed before I knew. The client will continue to indicate connection but the server appears to stop receiving. Is there a way I can go back to the old version of the app and server? What about USB connectivity? Scrolling is normal on Chrome.

All I see is the one icon that opens the keyboard and a mouse with an X through it. Oh, man, you guys this is great. The early version worked well with the Galaxy S5830. Dell tablet on same wifi with all same settings. Why is the Server like the discription in the top of this side? Any help would be appreciated, as I would loathe to stop using amazing little utility. Running as administrator at port 2999. Can I request a feature. Trying to connect manually also fails.

After getting frustrated enough with all of the options I found, I decided to develop my own. For example, you have began a new business and for the time you do not have any physical deal with for your company, you might consider the choice of a digital deal with. The server is installed on my PC and both are connected to the same network. Follow the instructions above to install and configure the Touchpad server. At those times it seems the broadcast and discovery mechanism also breaks, as the connect button from the client does not detect the server for about 30 seconds thereafter when I attempt reconnection. On the bottom just right of the home button. Is it possible for this app to optionally disable screen locking? GMote and that is working fine. PC touchpads use the average position of both finger to determine where to scroll to. If there is no workaround, I would implore Mr. IP from VMnet8 instead of the physical NIC and my DHCP server.

That would allow us to direct the mouse with one finger, leave it held down, and click with the other finger. PC, MAC and Linux. Error connecting to 192. Media controls for not difficult control over media playback. Not bad; simple and lightweight app. VirtualBox network adapter instead of the WiFi adapter. If that sounds like your experience with other computer remote control apps, Touchpad is for you!

But I have a problem when I try to run it. Pc and you are carried out. This is an S5 specific problem not an app problem. Touchpad should be straightforward, just move the mouse by moving your finger on the screen of your device, and tap to click. Timer option for turning off screen. Select the server from the list. Tap the keyboard icon to show the keyboard and begin typing on the remotely controlled computer.

Just installed your app on my Galaxy S5 but I can not figure out how to open the options menu. Still overall this is an awesome app and I really look forward to its future. Well, uhm, the way multitouch works for scrolling takes some getting used to. As I found no donate links on this site, just want to thank you for Touchpad. Make sure to allow TouchpadServer. Added option to control the scroll bar size. With broadband Internet services getting faster and faster, it is turning into much more beneficial to sign up for broadband phone service, also known as VOIP or Voice over Internet Protocol.

Thanks agai for this app, already rated it 5 stars on Google Play. Thanks a lot for making this! The display shows a red cross mark over the mouse. Computer, but another Phone. Or does it need the device to be rooted. Error connecting to 172.

Thank you so much for making this app free of cost and adds its really cool and well done. Fails to put in spaces much of the time and will not enter suggested words properly or backspace over words. Do you have a server for Ubuntu Linux? Beautiful app but two bugs. Thanks for the reply but definitely not a wifi issue. Thanks and great idea by the way.

It is used all over the place. This way we could use aplications like photoshop having the device as the drawing tablet. Love this little app. PC was blocking the signal. Hover your mouse over the Touchpad Server icon in your notification area to see the server address. Incredible feel and responsiveness, your app has supreme promise. Loved the app, especially the media player toolbar. Server is enabled in my antivirus personal firewall.

Thanks for your offer to help! VMware VMnet8 was set to serve DHCP in the 192. This is the most responsive remote mouse pad. Love the smooth mouse movement! Many thanks to You that you share with us, has published a great article. Could you imagine to publish the details of the message protocol? If you see a red X over the Touchpad icon, you are not connected to the server. LG V20 phone running Android Nougat.

Sometimes off of your original target. Completely free and contains absolutely no ads! Is there a way to get this added to the Amazon Appstore, or maybe provide a link to the APK file? In the preferences, under multitouch move, have an option for Left click multi touch. Keyboard support allows typing on the remotely controlled computer. Automatically find servers from your device to make connecting to your computer simple and painless. Please say how can i do it. Fi at work and neither I have the right to install it, so working through Bluetooth dongle would really save me. Samsung A5, and this button has been replaced with a multitasking button.

However, if it is still laggy, let me know as that would indicate a bug in Touchpad! Thanks for a great app. WiFi has woken up after sleep. Hey, did you get this sorted at all? Hardware keyboards and more hardware buttons supported. Again, thanks in advance. In certain applications, you can touch and hold the Recent Apps button to view the Menu options. Almost everything in technologies is portable these days.

Changed default Timeout to 500 ms. Touchpad Server for many years, however, I now have a problem with this software. When I access the app, I see only the image of the mouse with a red cross over it, and the keyboard item. Why Touchpad and not one of the many other apps on Google Play for controlling your computer? Windows 7, with a LG G2x running Gingerbread. Now it is just terrible. Connection should be remembered more reliably. For some games needs always pushed left button. The server seems to have errors.

Waht can I do? Looks great and thank you for developing it. Error connecting to xx. Good thing is that its touch experience is great when we have installed windows 8 on PC. Never mind I got it from a previous comment. It is essential that you create a system for arranging your electronic information so that you can find them effortlessly. Can someone help me with that? Because the APK has been changed at the same time as the server client software, it is hard to say if the app is the issue or the updated server. Custom server and Cancel. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with it. We all thank you in advance. Is there anyway to adapt the server so that it will work on a Kindle fire?

WiFi signal is excellent. Using HTC Sensation and Win7. Some suggestions if you are still working on this. This app is very sensitive to the quality of your WiFi network by the nature of what it does. Samsung J7, no me despliega el boton de opciones para conectar la app. Windows 8 with SGS6.

Otherwise, it seems to be flawless. Hey, great app, but it would be really cool if you could add the hover functionality, this way, it could function like a wacom tablet for example. That would be awesome for drawing! The Custom method also failed to connect. If you configured a password on the server, enter the password when prompted. Is there any way we could get an option to invert the color scheme?

Any idea to solve this problem? Your app looks great and is without adds. Install and run the Touchpad Server on your windows computer. Wonder if it were possible to consider a USB wired option with a next version? It worked smoothly after a couple of tries. Receive Failed: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Is there a way of installing the server exe such that it runs at startup, rather than after login? You could have a killer app for bridging non touch computers to run win 8 with touch capability. One suggestion tho, for using my phone to draw in gimp and stuff it would be really useful to have an option like toggleable left click, but with the left click only being activated when the screen is being touched instead of it permanently being on. NOT a programmer, I have studied a couple languages and programming theory. This should help with scrolling by dragging the edge of the app. No representation or warranty, either express or implied is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained therein, nor is any information intended to be a complete statement or summary of the developments referred to in the videos. The views and opinions expressed in the videos are those of the presenter and are not those of UBS, its subsidiaries or affiliate companies. Use of UBS Neo is subject to agreement to the terms and conditions and disclaimers made available in the UBS Neo platform. Activities with respect to US securities are conducted through UBS Securities LLC, a US broker dealer.

Please consult the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information. Accordingly, UBS does not accept any liability over the content of such videos or any claims, losses or damages arising from the use or reliance of all or any part thereof. The videos have no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient and are published solely for information purposes. The viewer should not construe the contents of any video as legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, or other specialist or technical advice or services or investment advice or a personal recommendation.

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