Saturday, December 30, 2017

Option trading questions

However, when I place a limit order I rarely get filled unless the stock moves against me in a big way. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Where might one apply for a position like this? FAR OUT THE MONEY PUTS with 3 months duration to expiry? Can you please explain what relative strength and weakness mean as they pertain to options trading? Northeast but would be willing to move. Every month we can always find options with very high implied volatility, especially from pharmacuetical companies that are waiting for FDA approval. Therfore my question is could options better this return and how?

Is there any proven way to profit from this situation regardless of the decision of FDA? When we get stopped out on a put spread why do we close the whole position? When I pay up, it goes against me, when I put a low bid in it runs up without me. What exactly is that? If you have a question or comments of your own, feel free to submit those via the form on the Contact Page. The Trading Stock Options FAQ page is for you. Great Option Trading Strategies site, if I think of a better or wittier answer in the future. Turning a Naked Put Into a Covered Put After the Put Has Gone In the Money? How Far Out Should You Go? When Do You Get Premium When You Write an Option?

What Do You profit and Lose? Is it a Good Idea to Reinvest Dividends? Do I Get Charged Interest for Writing Puts? How Much Option Greeks Do You Need to Know? Scroll down to see questions already discussed or ask your own. Do Reinvested Dividends Lower My Cost Basis? Have questions about options? Why Stick with a Losing Trade? Is There Really a Difference?

Exceptions are those options whereby the related security or index is in the Penny Pilot Program. For your protection, we require investors to submit an application for options trading. Options are very risky derivative securities, the leveraging power of stock option investing can generate considerable returns, or lead to significant losses. What are the Minimum Account Requirements to place option trades? Firstrade reserves the right to close an option position that may be subject to exercise or assignment, depending upon account equity and market conditions. In order to trade options, we require a signed options application by all parties on the account. What are the commissions for option trading?

Please provide your first and last name, Firstrade account number, the number of contracts you would like to exercise, the symbol, month, and strike price of the contract to exercise. What is the Options Penny Pilot Program? It is called a derivative investment, since the value of the option is derived from the price of the underlying security. While Firstrade requires no minimum balances to open an account or invest in equity securities, we do require minimum balances in order to place certain option orders. In what price increments are equity and index options quoted? How do I exercise my option contract? Why do I need approval for option trading? If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may obtain an options application from our Forms Download Center.

How do I get approval for option trading? Why am I not allowed to write uncovered calls? Here, we will focus on the considerable number of questions on the Series 7 exam that test the candidates on strategies involving both options contracts and stock positions. Sell a MNO call. On the Series 7 exam, there are relatively few questions on this method. To learn more, read the Short Selling tutorial. Explanation: Again, follow the money. There is a limited profit.

If the market in a stock turns down, the investor with the long stock position loses. This position is a very bearish method. If FBN stock rises to 70 and the investor exercises the call, what is the profit or loss of money in this position? Remember: The stock position takes precedence. Recap: As you can see, the long and short hedges are mirror image strategies. Explanation: This is a direct method question.

For everything you need to know for the Series 7 exam, see our Free Series 7 Online Study Guide. An investor owns 100 shares of PGS. An investor who sells stock short is obligated to replace the stock. Another, and much riskier, method involves writing a put when the investor has a short position in the same stock. Explanation: Follow the money. Recall that when an investor sells a call, he or she is obligated to deliver the stock at the strike price until the contract expires. The first, and most popular of these strategies is writing covered calls. In any method that combines stock with options, the stock position takes precedence. The call premium received creates the income and, at the same time, reduces downside risk.

Remember: When an investor sells stock short, he or she expects the market in that stock to fall. Sell a put on PGS. In the Series 7 exam, the candidate must first recognize which method recommendation is required and then follow the money to find the correct answer. Which of the following strategies would probably be the best recommendation for this customer? The short stock position is bearish. There is theoretically no limit as to how high the market can rise. If the question indicates that a customer needs to protect a stock position, then he or she must buy an options contract for protection. Buy a MNO put. Sell a MNO put.

The strategies outlined here may be either highly risky or very conservative. To protect against a sudden rise in price, a registered representative would recommend which of the following? The stock may be called away. Explanation: The investor who holds a short stock position loses when the market begins to rise. The long call is bullish. We will look at long hedgesand short hedges. Remember, puts with higher strike prices are more expensive.

If the question refers to protection, hedging is the method. If the customer is combining options with stock positions to create income, he or she must sell an options contract to produce the income. Creating income by selling an option against the stock position. Long puts are bearish. Explanation: This set of answers goes a bit more deeply into the method. As with the majority of options questions on the Series 7 exam, the scope of the questions is limited to maximum profit, maximum loss of money and breakeven. To recover his original investment and the options premium, the stock must go to 33. If the investor is interested in creating income while reducing risk, the registered representative should recommend which of the following strategies? Explanation: This is a basic method question.

If the stock price rises, the investor loses. The Series 7 exam is quite stressful for most people, so just write it down. The stock has been paying regular dividends but has shown very little growth potential. To insure themselves, investors may buy calls on the stock. In each case, the name of the hedge indicates the underlying stock position. If the stock rises, the investor theoretically has an unlimited loss of money. We noted above that the stock position takes precedence.

Why not buy the 50 put? The investor must buy the insurance to protect the stock position. Remember, the stock position takes precedence. Those are the two objectives of this conservative method. Introduction To Put Writing. Buy a MNO call.

Sell a call on PGS. The method works best in a relatively flat to slightly bullish market. Another question regarding this scenario: What is the maximum loss of money? XYZ at 40 until the options expire. To read more, check out Prices Plunging? Explanation: This is a bit of a trick question.

To learn more, read Option Spread Strategies and Options Basics. Buy a call on PGS. When the market is at 40, a put with a strike price of 50 would be in the money by 10 points. The basic definition of a short hedge is short stock plus a long call. What is the maximum profit in this method? Buy a put on PGS. The put is an insurance policy for the investor against a drop in the market. What is the maximum profit for this investor?

The customer wishes to fix, or set, his selling price for the stock. The long stock position is bullish, so to counter a downward movement, the investor purchases puts. That large potential reward always comes at a cost. The passage of time changes the effect on a given call option of the other two forces. Many, for example, do not understand sufficiently just how important the level of IV is to the success of their trade, or that being too aggressive or too conservative can hurt them as well. Market Volatility: What Really Makes Markets Move?

Or, it may involve a potential loss of money that is large in size or even unlimited. The important thing is to get yourself educated. If the stock price remains lower than the strike price of a call option, that option will lose all of its value by expiration day. Can it be done profitably? If a rise in the stock price is accompanied by a large drop in IV, the value of some calls could go down. Changes in IV matter less and less as time passes.

If we are right, we have potentially unlimited profit and the calls should increase by a larger percentage of their cost than the stock itself does. In fact, a call option can go down in value when the underlying stock goes up. The relative performance of lower and higher strikes changes over time with the differences becoming much more pronounced near expiration. Third, how aggressive or conservative do I want to be? So all else being equal, buying lower strikes is more conservative and higher strikes more aggressive. It seems simple, but there is more to this apparently simple trade than meets the eye. Almost everyone knows that call options go up in value when the underlying goes up, but as a larger percentage, and that put options go up when the underlying goes down, also amplifying that move. And all three of these forces act differently on every call option for the same underlying asset depending on which strike price and expiration date we choose. That cost may take the form of a high probability of failure. So a rise in IV helps call owners, and a drop in IV hurts them. The simplest option trade that one can imagine would be to buy call options on a stock when we think it will go up. With the right identification of the bullish opportunity in the first place, and the selection of the strike price and expiration to take into account all three forces, it can.

This method takes into account the expected effects of all three of these main forces. Is it most likely to increase, to decrease or to change in an unpredictable fashion? The effect on the call of changes in the stock price also changes, being magnified for calls with lower strikes, and muted for higher strikes. This is because the stock price is just one of the three main forces acting simultaneously on every option at all times. Second, completely separately from its price, what do I believe about the implied volatility of the underlying asset? Any particular option trade, with its own choice of underlying, method, expiration, and strike prices, always falls on a continuum from very aggressive to very conservative. Are You an Elite Trader? In the worst case, if we are wrong, we are out only the cost of the call option. It is the second and third questions that trip up many new option traders.

What Are the Right Questions to Ask? Our option trades can be constructed to have just the degree of aggressiveness that is appropriate to us, but we must know how to do it or ask the right questions. Most new option traders are clearly aware of the first question about the underlying asset price. This is important to understand. He is always able to let it expire by taking no action. Therefore, those who fear they will be required to buy the underlying shares of a call option can rest assured that there is no obligation to do so. Just like anything else, what stocks are available in the options market depends on demand. However, this is not true at all. Is the buyer compelled to do anything when he purchases an option? They can be used to generate income or to protect the value of a portfolio just as not difficult as they can be used to generate profits on the price fluctuation of the underlying stock.

Can the buyer of an option exercise it anytime he wants? Options have no place in the portfolio of the conservative investor? An option instrument and other similar derivatives can serve an important purpose in any investment plan. They give the buyer an option to buy or sell an underlying security at a specific price, at a specific time. This does not represent a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security. Please consult your financial advisor. There are American style options, which allow an individual to exercise the option anytime up until the expiration date, and there are European style options, which only allow the owner to exercise the option on the date of expiration. Even those who do understand them, often find themselves perplexed by the more advanced features of some of these esoteric financial instruments. Thus, it is possible for a conservative investor to employ them as part of a method for wealth preservation as opposed to speculative trading.

See the more in depth article for details on Index Options. In fact options are a bit more versatile than most believe. Many young people graduate without a basic understanding of money and money management, business, the economy, and investing. The buyer of an option is not required to do anything with that option. Believe it or not, using them often gives protection against risk rather than adding to it. Index options trade on the aggregate price of an entire stock index. This may seem to be the case and many conservative investors will certainly believe it to be so, but the truth is options can provide added security and portfolio diversification in almost any portfolio. Because an option is exactly what they are. Information is for educational and informational purposes only and is not be interpreted as financial or legal advice.

As a result there are special rules and considerations, which must be understood before investing in these types of financial instruments. By the same token, the owner of a put option would sell the shares at the underlying price. Thus, the owner of a call option would buy the underlying shares at the price set out in the contract. This depends on the type of option it involves. Thus, options are typically available on the more well know and highly traded stocks but not on those which are obscure or have light trading volumes. See the more in depth article for an explanation of how this works. Options and derivatives are not difficult the most complex of the various investment related subject matter. The following series of articles will explore the investment uses for derivatives and how they can be integrated as a part of any investment plan. How do Index Options differ from other options?

Before we go more in depth with the articles, you can review the following responses to common questions about these esoteric investments. Money lessons, lesson plans, worksheets, interactive lessons, and informative articles. There are two forms of options on the market. Most options strategies revolve around profiting on major swings in a stocks price? The risk of loss of money in trading securities, options, futures and forex can be substantial. Consider all relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation, before trading. The sole and exclusive maximum liability to the Company for any damages or losses shall solely be dissatisfaction to the user. Past results of any individual or trading system published by Company are not indicative of future returns.

By most estimates, there are about 50 questions on options on the Series 7 exam, approximately 35 of which are questions that deal with options strategies. There are two parties in a contract. This investor will sell the contract for its intrinsic value because there is no time value remaining. In a Put spread Subtract the net premium from the Higher strike price. The seller has the obligation to perform when and if called upon by the buyer; the most the seller can profit is the premium received. This makes the process easier to visualize. This is a reminder that the short straddle investor expects little or no movement.

Note that in Figure 1, the buyers of puts are bearish. They are interested in profits from trading the contracts themselves. Write the matrix down on your scratch paper before starting the exam and refer to it frequently to help keep you on track. This investor has the right to purchase at 50 and the obligation to deliver at 60. At what points will the investor break even? Instead of clearly asking for the two breakeven points, the question may ask: between what two prices will the investor have a loss of money? Spreads may require more steps for a solution, but if you use the shortcuts, solving the problem is much simpler. These terms are critical to answering spread questions.

In spread strategies, the investor is a buyer or a seller. Spread strategies seem to be the most difficult for many Series 7 candidates. The problem is that this is only half right. All four of these steps may not be necessary for each and every options problem. The investor closes the contract. If only the strike prices are different, it is a price or vertical spread.

Breakeven: Since this is a call spread, we will add the net premium to the lower strike price. Subtract the total from the strike price for the breakeven on the put contract side. Tip: notice that in the example, the higher strike price is written above the lower strike price. You can think of an options contract like a car insurance contract: the buyer pays the premium and has the right to exercise; they can lose no more than the premium paid. The stock must rise to at least 56 for this investor to recover the premium paid. Remember: buyers want to be able to exercise. In cross directly below the matrix so that the vertical bar is exactly below the vertical line dividing buy and sell. If ABC stock does not rise above 50, the contract will expire worthless and the bullish investor loses the entire premium. Primarily they focus on straddle strategies and the fact that there are always two breakeven points.

When you determine the position, look at the block in the matrix that illustrates that position and keep your attention on that block alone. In the Series 7 exam, questions about options tend to be one of the biggest challenges for test takers. Tip: The first point of simplification is this: in any question of this nature regarding spreads, the answer will always be widen or narrow. Questions regarding straddles on the Series 7 tend to be limited in scope. Remember the word contract. How can you arrive at the intrinsic value so not difficult? On the short, or sell side, things are exactly opposite in that you could profit from an increase in the asset underlying a put option if you have shorted a put. The first item on your agenda when you see any multiple options method on the exam is to identify the method.

That way, the buying side of the matrix will be directly above the DR and the selling side of the matrix will be exactly above the CR side. This makes it much easier to visualize the movement of the underlying stock between the strike prices. Be very careful to remember the rights and obligations when solving spread problems. This is because options questions make up a large part of the exam and many candidates have never been exposed to options contracts and strategies. To find the breakeven, add the two premiums and then add the total of the premiums to the strike price for the breakeven on the call contract side. Options contracts questions in the Series 7 exam are numerous, but the scope of the questions is limited.

Look at the formulas: simply swap the gains and losses and remember that both parties to the contract break even at the same point. What is the profit or loss of money to the investor? If both the strike price and expirations are different, it is a diagonal spread. Refer again to Figure 1 and remember that whenever the buyer gains a dollar, the seller loses a dollar. The remaining 15 questions are options markets, rules and suitability questions. So to find that amount, we multiply the breakeven price by 100. Look at Figure 2, the intrinsic value chart. All of these terms refer to the layout of options quotes in the newspapers.

Because an option has a definite expiration date, the time value of the contract is often called a wasting asset. Look now at the arrows within the loop on the short straddle; they are coming together. Call buyers are bullish; call sellers are bearish. This is, then, a bull or debit call spread. The problem states that the investor closes the position. The investor is, in net terms, a buyer of call contracts. Apply these ideas to options contracts. This is where the matrix in Figure 1 becomes a useful tool.

Remember when an investor sells or writes an option, they are obligated. Remember: buyers always want the contract to be exercisable. When one party gains a dollar, the other party loses a dollar. These are the essential straddle strategies. Movement above or below the breakeven point will be profit. Look at the matrix: buyers of calls are bullish. In a Call spread Add the net premium to the Lower strike price. The maximum gains and losses are expressed as dollars.

The method laid out above is a call spread. Notice that the arrows in the problem illustrated above match the arrows within the loop for a long straddle. Because you are using the matrix for the initial identification, skip to step four. This is a reminder that the investor who has a long straddle expects volatility. In a straddle, investors are either buying two contracts or selling two contracts. While there are people there who plan to buy or sell a horse, most of the crowd is there to bet on the race. Of course, the investor with a short straddle would like the market price to close at the money to keep all the premiums. When the buyer has regained all of the premium money spent, the seller has lost the entire premium they received. In a short straddle, everything is reversed.

Technically, it is a vertical call spread. Just prior to the close of the market on the final trading day before expiration, XYZ stock is trading at 47. Here, there is one additional qualifier to the complete description of the spread. In one sense, the options exchanges are much like horse racing tracks. One cautionary note: the contract itself is in or out of the money, but this does not necessarily translate into a profit or loss of money for a particular investor. If an investor, for example, is buying a call and a put on the same stock with the same expiration and the same strike, the method is a straddle. One of the problems that Series 7 candidates report when working on options problems, is that they are not sure of how to approach the questions. Series 7 exam and increase your chances of getting a passing score. Actually, we could have used the matrix to identify the method as a spread.

Tip: above 60, the investor has no profit or loss of money. There are other, very frequently reported questions about spreads. If you look at the matrix and see that the two positions are inside the horizontal loop on the matrix, the method is a spread. We can now call it a debit call spread. Put contracts operate in exactly the opposite direction. The exam will frequently interchange these terms, often in the same question. The investor is anticipating a rising market in the stock. The majority of options investors are not interested in buying or selling stock.

For that reason, the buyer and the seller reach the breakeven point at the same time. If the investor is selling a call and selling a put on the same stock with the same expiration and the same strike price, it is a short straddle. Because the investor is long the contract, they have paid a premium. Also keep the following in mind: commission versus cost of the option versus its theoretical value versus intrinsic value, all of which can be vastly different. For calls, your breakeven is the strike price plus the premium paid or received by the writer. Look to this checklist for key questions that can help direct your research as you consider trading futures and options. If there is a widespread expectation that price will change very little in the future, the premium that you pay should be low. Who is guaranteeing the transaction?

In other words, how much price appreciation will be needed before you make money? How will your broker let you know when your options contract has been executed and what the status of your account is? You have to do what is most comfortable for you. Part of the answer here is to consider where you are with regard to your trade. Some traditional brokers call you sometime after the order is executed. Prior to expiration if long or short an option, your breakeven is the cost of your option. At expiration it gets a little more complicated.

Online brokers usually let you know this information automatically after your trade is executed. How much of the premium that you pay is actually the value of the option? Always know how you and your broker will communicate. In some cases, the fees involved when you deal with independent options dealers can be very high and can hurt your transaction. For puts, your breakeven is the strike price minus the premium paid or received by the writer. You pay the option premium plus a commission charge; the commission is not imbedded in the option premium. That means that you have to read and understand the terms of the management contract carefully before you put any money down. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and so are all the parties involved in issuing the contract. Consequently any person acting on it does so entirely at their own risk and any trading decisions that you make are solely your responsibility Trading on Nadex involves financial risk and may not be appropriate for all investors.

The information contained above may have been prepared by independent third parties contracted by Nadex. The decision should be driven from your underlying market view. How do I choose whether to stay in the trade or get out? If you have a binary trade that is in the money and waiting for expiration, how much trade edge do you have? Nadex contracts ensures investors cannot lose more than the cost to enter the transaction. What happens in terms of the binary pricing if the market goes down and I am long? Choppy markets can be frustrating where you can get stopped out of your position only to see the market trade to where you projected. The other factor to consider is time; how much time does the binary have until expiration.

As for the binary buyer which strike are you long? When the outcome of the binary is still questionable, the binary pricing can have huge swings caused from little price movement of the underlying price. Be aware of what can happen! Trading on Nadex involves financial risk and may not be appropriate for all investors. Please note, exchange fees may not be included in all examples provided. Is your binary trade profitable or losing money?

Nadex accepts no responsibility for any use that may be made of these comments and for any consequences that result. If the market goes down and then back up again? Futures are a linear trade with leverage. Trading Futures, you use stops to protect from adverse price swings. The information presented here is for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument on Nadex or elsewhere. Keep in mind that the initial binary trade, the cost is the maximum risk exposure. Buying the binary you want the underlying market price to trade higher and ultimately finish above the strike at expiration. Then the underlying price recovers and starts trading higher, your binary position is showing an unrealized profit as long as the current binary price is higher than your entry price. Is it a different decision in binaries than if I am trading futures?

Depending on the tick value and the volatility of futures, there is way more risk trading futures which means there can be big profit potential where it is unlimited compared to binary options that are capped. No representations or warranties are given as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. In addition to the disclaimer below, the material on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument on Nadex or elsewhere. How much time is left? You can never complain about taking a profit. Here the binary pricing would have a high delta. How much was your initial risk? The shorter the time or the less time till expiration, the more sensitive and volatile the binary pricing can be relative to the underlying price movement.

For the OTM binary, the initial cost is low however adverse underlying price movement should impact the binary pricing less due to the optionality. Any trading decisions that you make are solely your responsibility. Nadex binary options and spreads can be volatile and investors risk losing their investment on any given transaction. When binary trading, a great benefit is that your risk is defined up front. If you bought the binary and the market price goes down then your binary price should decrease in value. Initially was your binary OTM, ATM or ITM? Nadex instruments include forex, stock indexes, commodity futures, and economic events. View the current Nadex fee schedule.

If the binary finishes in the money the return on the binary depends if the strike is ITM, ATM or OTM. Here the binary pricing reacts to the underlying price more equally in either direction. This is just the beginning and as you learn, you will have more questions. You have the ability to tell most brokers your entry and exit point as well as what time the order should be made available for execution. The truth is, it can be, but only if you want it to be. Options are a direct derivative of stocks. Go Moments technique, you can implement these strategies in just three steps.

If I already trade stocks, will it be not difficult to grasp options trading? For example, long call and long put strategies are considered very basic in the options trading world and they offer unlimited profit potential and limited risk. Many traders even trade both stock and options at the same time to increase returns. As far as live accounts, every broker is different, but you can typically start with whatever you have. Everyone is different, but from experience many stock traders find options trading not difficult! Not Sure What is Best For You?

Top 4 Questions New Options Traders Ask How much money do I need to get started? Stock price charts, company news and other stock trading knowledge is useful when determining options traders as the stock prices and movements ultimately help determine which options trades are viable and may deem profitable in the future. Stock Screeners enable you to search and screen stocks using more than 100 criteria, including technical, fundamental, and ratings. Stocks and options present potential opportunities to grow your money in the American financial market. We were unable to find a result that matches your request. From tool questions and method analysis to help with complex orders, our specialists can help you with your options trading needs. Nothing on this website is an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities, products or service, by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Schwab can help you evaluate, select, and monitor stock choices. Options traders can also enjoy a total options trading package, including advanced trading tools, extensive options education, and seasoned options specialists.

Compare multiple stocks and create customized searches. Next Previous Did you mean: You can also try: Search is temporarily unavailable. Get the tools you want to help you make smarter trading decisions. Please check your spelling or try using different search terms. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for details. Not all products, services, or investments are available in all countries. My experience is that to trade VIX options you will need to be authorized to trade at the second level. These levels vary from brokerage to brokerage, so you will have to ask what is required to be long VIX options.

These options form a 30 day forward log contract variance swap priced in volatility points. This odd timing is driven by the needs of a straightforward settlement process. Hi Felix, You can always sell the call whenever the market is open, exercising is restricted to only happen at expiration. SOQ of the Index, not the price of the futures contract. VIX options tend to be wide. How Much Should We Expect the VIX to Move?

VIX options, the option is either in or out of the money at expiration and if in the money the holder will get the cash difference from the strike price. Since VIX options do not allow early exercise and are cash settled the whole concept of an underlying is not really necessary. To compute reasonably accurate greeks yourself go to this post. More on that later. If you are just getting into options trading this is as high as you want to go anyway. No special permissions are required from your broker for VIX options. VIX weekly options there should always be options available with less than a week to expiration. Did I miss something? VIX options for a given expiration month will closely follow the equivalent expiration VIX future.

Hi Vance, thanks for your prompt reply. Your brokerage account needs to be a margin account, and you need to sign up for options trading. VIX spot is impossible. The VIX options are European exercise. Please do your own homework and accept full responsibility for any investment decisions you make. The following chart from the CBOE shows the typical relationship. Is there anything I can read to get a better understanding of the issue?

The payout is determined by the difference between the strike price and the VRO quotation on the expiration day. VIX futures are key enablers for the existence of VIX options because the market makers use VIX futures to hedge their VIX options positions. This is the expiration value, not the opening cash VIX on the Wednesday morning of expiration. The first VIX quote of the day is usually at least a minute after opening. VIX options do not expire on the same days as equity options. There is no effective limit on how low or high the prices can go on the VIX options until the exercise day. Vance, I have been reading your blog for some time and I find it one of the most interesting source of information on volatility products.

The VIX is not like a stock, it naturally declines from peaks. Thanks a lot for sharing. As you mention, the actual settlement uses the SOQ calculation on a set of SPX options. VIX spike will be underrepresented, and likewise, a big drop probably will not be closely tracked. It is not intended as advice to buy or sell any securities. To my knowledge there are no VIX futures options.

Money VIX options give a cash payout. To be really technical, the pricing bedrock for VIX options and futures is a 30 day variance forward variance priced in volatility points. Hey wow I really like your article because it explains everything in great detail. The closer the VIX future and the associated VIX option are to expiration, the closer they will track the VIX. VIX value in calculated from the first SPX options transactions. The underlying for the options IS is the vix index and the SOQ calculated based on the same SPX options that are used to calculate the VIX index also. This is a huge deal. Going short on VIX?

Selling naked calls for example, is not something for a rookie to try. The square root of variance is volatility. All content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes or advice. VIX is the underlying. Well but when I came across your blog I felt so much more confident because your article seems so simple and not difficult. This means its IV will always decline over time. On the expiration Wednesday the only SPX options used in the VIX calculation are the ones that expire in exactly 30 days. It is very frustrating to predict the behavior of the market, and not be able to cash in on it. VIX options expire at market open on expiration day, so expiring options are not tradeable during regular hours on that day.

Hi Markus, I agree that VIX futures are not the actual underlying of VIX options and I have modifed the post to that effect. Most options chains that brokers provide assume the VIX index is the underlying security for the options, in reality, the appropriate volatility future contract should be used as the underlying. This site is not liable for any informational errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein. Below you can find the list of supported browsers. Stockpair is the first online platform that enables trading in Pair Options. Unfortunately we do not support your browser. We strive to give our traders the best trading experience and support. Pair Options are based on comparison between the stocks, so the general market direction, up or down, does not matter.

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