Monday, January 1, 2018

How to options trade quiz quizlet

The customer buys the stock in the market covering her short stock position. Which of the following would create a bull price spread? To create a debit time spread, which statement is true? Above which of the following prices will every dollar gained on the long call be exactly offset by a dollar lost on the short call? Which of the following options strategies would be considered a covered put? Exchange traded options expire on the third Friday of the expiration month, which for this option was March 20. It places bounds and the investor has downside protection by the exercise price of the put by selling claim to any upside potential beyond the _____. Warrants result in _____ to the firm when the warrant holder _____.

The owner of the _____ profits by the difference between the exercise price and the market price. The option may be o interest to firms that wish to hedge a profit stream that depends on the average price of a commodity over some period of time. One does not need to own shares of a stock to exercise a _____ option. At that stock price, the proceeds from exercise will just cover the cost. Strips and straps are variations of the straddles. An option is _____ when its exercise results in a positive payoff for its holder.

Because the OCC guarantees delivery, _____ are required if the owner _____. These bonds and stocks give the options to the holder of the security rather than to the issuing firm. It is _____ when exercise would be unprofitable. Nevertheless, exercise of the call is optimal at expiration if the stock price exceeds the exercise price because the exercise proceeds will offset at least part of the cost of the option. These options offer higher coupon rates as compensation. The net profit on a call is the _____ minus _____.

EPS and must be calculated assuming that all are exercised, these are fully diluted EPS. Profits on _____ options _____ when the asset value increases but profits on _____ options increase when the asset value _____. SBA, and their own money. If they are able to do this, they buy the stock at a low price and sell it at a high price, so they make money. When an investor has a put and a call on the same stock at the same price with the same expiration date, it is called a straddle. The premium is equal to the intrinsic value. The buyer of the call wants the stock to rise in price so he can buy the stock at the call price and then sell it in the open market.

When the owner is able to exercise, the option is in the money. Since the question gives no premiums, you must make them yourself. This is called an odd stock split. Which of the following statements is true of a 240 put index option when the market is at 235? Since this is a call, add the premium of 7 to the 50 to find the breakeven point, BE, of 57. The option has intrinsic value. There is no name for a combination of option positions with the same strike price and date but different underlying securities. To calculate this, write down the strike price of 50. If the number of shares of stock granted as a dividend represents an even stock split, the number of contracts associated with each option contract would increase. Which of the following statements are true?

He would like to enter an order to sell 20 BMR 70 calls for a premium of at least 10. Because this method involves a call and a put, add the 7 to 40 for the call and subtract 7 from 40 for the put to find the breakeven points at 47 and 33. When investors buy an option, they must pay the full premium. This is a bullish position and a credit spread. The number of option contracts remains the same, but the strike price and the premium both decrease, accordingly. This is because the value of the index is lower than the strike price. Puts are in the money when the stock price is lower than the strike price. Currency options are similar to equity options; the option terms are used interchangeably. Then insert a plus sign below the breakeven point and insert the market price of the stock. Because the investor is long stock, he needs an option that allows him to sell the stock at a set price.

The number of shares increases in an odd stock split. RCA rises to 49, which is higher than 47 in the plus area, and the investor will have a profit. March 45 put and March 40 put, and March 45 call and March 40 call. FMC 80 calls and pays a premium of 5 on each call. To calculate the answer, write the strike price of the put, 40, with a line through it. To have the same class of options, both options must be calls or both must be puts. There is not really a market price for index options, but rather an index value.

Always consider this from the point of view of the owner of the option. Saturday after the third Friday of the month in which they expire. Remember that the contracts stay the same in odd stock splits, and the contracts increase in even stock splits. The time value equals the premium. To calculate this, write the strike price of 40 and put a line through it. Since 240 is on the line and the index is at 235, below the line, the index put option is in the money, or has intrinsic value. Higher than the strike price. Declining in market value. This is a bullish position.

Now enter the price of the index. The investor reads in the newspaper that BMF is having financial troubles with its new product and is concerned that the stock may decline. This is a bearish position. How would the order now read? If you are having trouble, draw an H diagram. Buy 5 puts on BMF stock with a strike price of 80. Calls are in the money when the stock price is higher than the strike price.

Being in the money, or having intrinsic value, occurs when the market is below the strike in a put or the market is above the strike price in a call. Because the plus premium is the higher strike price, this is a bullish spread. Strike prices and premiums are always reduced. As his registered rep, what would you suggest to the investor? Saturday before the third Wednesday of the month in which they expire. This shows that the investor wants the stock to rise, so he is bullish. The option is out of the money. This investor is concerned with a drop in the price of the BMF stock and would like to protect his profit. Investors who buy a put are betting the market will decrease in price so they can go out into the open market and buy the stock at a low price and then sell the stock to the writer of the put at the agreed upon higher price.

Which of the following are in the same class of options? To determine the breakeven point, add the premium to the call price. This is a credit spread. In this case, the strike price is 70, the premium is 4, so the break even is 74. This is a debit spread. The strike price and premiums would decrease as well. Remember, though, that it is the option that is in the money, not the buyer or the writer. If the stock declines to 35 and the investor exercises the put, what is his profit or loss of money? Since the investor is buying, it is a long straddle. Because it is a put, subtract the premium, 3, from 40 to find the breakeven, 37, and label it breakeven.

If either the date or the strike price is different, it is called a combination. Since the investor buys both positions, the method is called a straddle. Friday of the month in which they expire. If either the price or date is different, but the stock is the same, the investment method is called a combination straddle. The call premium received will increase the yield on her portfolio of stocks because it will add to the income generated by the dividends received from the stock. The OCC risk disclosure document must accompany or precede certain types of printed or written communication by firms concerning options.

Many investors buy VIX call options as a hedge against a possible decline in the market since the VIX usually moves inversely with the equity market. Also, the method of acquiring an OCC risk disclosure document must be mentioned in options retail communications used prior to an options disclosure document being delivered. Exercise and position limits apply cumulatively to all accounts that a customer maintains at all brokerage firms, not for each account at each firm. If an investor expects volatility to rise, she would be bullish on the VIX. Which of the following option writers has unlimited risk potential? XYZ could go bankrupt and the price of the stock would decline to zero. The most conservative method for the investor to achieve her objective is to write covered calls.

Both options and warrants have a strike price. The prices of preferred stocks are inversely related to the movement of interest rates, as are bonds. The OCC risk disclosure document discusses the rules and regulations of options trading, as well as the risks involved in options trading. An investor who expects an increase in volatility in the equity markets would MOST likely adopt which TWO of the following strategies? The position may not exceed the limit on either the long side of the market or the short side of the market. If exercised, the transactions for the underlying security will occur at that set price.

Therefore, if the investor is concerned that rising interest rates will erode the value of the preferred stock portfolio, the purchase of an option that does well when interest rates rise will provide an effective hedge. The IRS does not recognize a holding period on a short sale of a stock or an opening sale of an option. The investor will suffer a loss of money if the price of XYZ declines. FINRA approved trade reporting system for corporate bonds trading in the OTC secondary market. The inflation component is recalculated every six months. An opening transaction is used when establishing a new option position. TRACE purpose is to add market transparency by disseminating trade details immediately to the investing public. The interbank market is not subject to the regulations of individual countries, nor does it have a central location.

It is an opening sale if your client is writing the option. Designated Primary Market Maker on the floor of the CBOE is an exchange member who acts as both an agent assisting in maintaining the electronic order book on behalf of the CBOE and a market maker who may trade for their own account. It is an opening purchase if your client is buying the option. Series I bonds have been designed for investors seeking to protect the purchasing power of their investment. In the interbank spot market currency trades generally settle in one or two business days. The interest rate on these bonds has two components: a fixed rate and an inflation rate tied to the Consumer Price Index. You can even have multiple classes for different subjects. Who are the members of your family? Quizlet is still pretty awesome for studying languages.

As a final thought I congradulate you guys on updating the websites layout and the excellent use of CSS. Yea please put up a multiplayer game! It would be super helpful to have these changes be made, I know my teachers would appreciate quizlet more as a learning tool in there classrooms with the Test change. For me, it would be great to have an app that I could take on the bus ride to school to polish up on my last minute studying before test day. Quizlet that help you make the most out of our learning tools? Quizlet whether or not you got the answer correct and then it will show you the cards you miss more often and space out the ones you get right for long term retention.

Tip 4: Another thing that I like to do is: promote Quizlet! Tutoring your classmates or getting help yourself. Quizlet technique is to make questions for myself. So after I learn each set and I know that all the content is right, I combine them in groups of 28 or less and make a new set. For example, Scatter and Space Race make you think faster when having to memorize things. Enhances and helps people with cooperative learning. To be honest, I used many computer programs and search the Net in order to find simillar webs with flashcards and learn vocabulary. And adding such an option to flashcards would only improve this fantastic website. This is the way that I like to use quizlet.

Also, it would be cool if Quizlet added sections in the middle of Flashcards to organize them. They are not appropriate enough for children that are at a 4th and under grade. Quizlet lady say the words often helps me remember them. Allowing a teacher to explain a topic to you. When the update went out, most of my classes were in absouloute confusion, not knowing what was going on and no way to communicate, I myself even had tests the next day and had questions about a review that I needed answered, I believe that many people would agree with me. It really helped me when I had a question or needed help. Chinese words has been developed, called Pinyin. Enhances peoples social skills. And the list could go on and on. Also, class discussion is a must. With so many people on the go, the more support that is offered the greater the usage will be. Then I would know all words!

We are doing very well supporting our Points of Views! Welcoming Roger to Quizlet! Finally, I heard mention of a wider array of games. For my humanities class we have to memorize music and learn the author, dates, etc. Quizlet staff member reads this. Allows the class to tell their personal view on a topic and how they view it. GUI and find it somewhat not difficult to navigate. You know, looking at the description helps.

Maybe you can have a mature language filter? Tip 2: I have found that it is easier to learn and more motivating if you break up say 200 words into multiple sets of only 20 or 30, finish learn mode than combine them in test mode. Most of us learning words probably go through Flashcards first to familliarize with the words, and the do the Learn mode or Scatter and others. This really helps me with learning the definitions word for word. If we can show Quizlet Helpful evidence to bring back Discussion, We must! My brain is fried from my first research paper. When you mispell a word, it shows you the next letter, and keeps you from typing until it is done showing you the correct letter. Like for example, someone who completes 100 test and learn answers could get a badge or electronic reward. This page on Average has approximately 15 Comments per A minute!

Enables the use of giving your class a grade on discussing a topic. Make a simple Regex Filter on the chat. Nevertheless, quizlet is the best one. Then I email the link to all my classmates. Plus, the italics would be hugely helpful in writing book titles such as Romeo and Juliet or The Odyssey, both of which should be italicized. And maybe like an announcement set where someone manages it about announcements in a class. Also, quizlet should add a few more games and study tools. Chapel Hill for college and grad school at Stanford.

It would only help your business and make the entire user experience more interesting. Scatter or the other one but. Reviews for Upcoming quizes or tests. Th option of rejecting already memorized vocabulary in Flashcards mode. There are many ways to get around this problem. Lastly, Quizlet should have the website automatically translate any words you put in a set if you are teaching someone else how to speak a foreign language, because when I try to translate words in a set I create to spanish, I have no idea how to translate the words, and I end up spending my time searching the internet for what the words mean in English.

If I am cramming for vocab test, for example, i would do scatter three times or more times to get familiarized with word choices. The winner of the game could be determined by who typed the most words from the set in the time givin. However, it also helps me memorize definitions for Science, Logic, and several other subjects. That would bring me back, also making rewards for the constant members, like log on every day for a year, get free quizlet plus, or something. PUT THE SAME TERM TWICE WITH A DIFFERENT DEFINITION TO TORTURE YOU! Answer questions by your real class mates about upcoming tests and quizes.

So far here is my complex recursion function for using a Spanish to English Conversion in a chat based platform. Please take this tip into consideration. Tip 1: I do learn mode once through on each of my sets in order to learn them and become familiar with the content. Tip 3: I have found that you can only combine up to 28 sets at a time. Learn mode you have to type in the words, but if you want to go quickly through your set without typing anything, flashcards mode is the best option. Do you have any new games you can add? Quizlet for foreign languages. Then I can combine those groups of 28 or less again in order to get all my test content into one test in test mode. Quizlet that we may not have thought of? Including girls dressed to show their skin.

What important figure was born in 1982? Quizlet a ton in my everyday life for Studying, working on hw, and communicating with my fellow classmates. Ok, so this is going to happen in the future. Wow PlanktonTheKing ur friend is really mean. It will be more fun, and cleaner for everyone! In my opinion, this would be very helpful option. ONE MORE THING I FORGOT! Make a multiplayer game in each set where you type the words in each set as fast as you can.

How about the cool ways you use Quizlet now? It would only give you all the card you answered incorrectly or did not know. We want to learn from you, and share your ideas with other Quizlet users! If you learn some cards with words, you simply put them away and concenrate on the others. However, Quizlet would be more fun if you guys added more games besides scatter. School, to create a class with your friends or class mates and have everyone post things about the class after a day in that class.

This is simple to do in HTML, and would add emphasis to sets when you think you need it. To be more specific about that, they should let the class teachers hyperlink their flashcard sets to other websites that can let other students know more about the subject they have, therefore letting them have more knowledge overall. What are the coolest and most helpful ways you use Quizlet? May of 2012 and unfortunately I was not on during the time of the testing of the game. This comment page will be full of unrelated posts. Also people who are on Quizlet now, will be getting on Quizlet more often. Quizlet experience more functional and easier to use and help out your classmates. Then I would do learn section. Vulgar language and off topicality but there were so many advantages to those users that actually wanted to use it as a learning experience. Oh well, better get back to studying!

However, I have one request. Thank You and Have A Great Day. Some friendly competition between friends never hurt and I think that it would really help with studying. Welcome to Quizlet, Amalia! And the vocabulary tests are all multiple choice with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. Also, they should have a way for people to post videos with each flash card in each set so they could be more specific about what they teach in their sets. It is a great idea!

There will always be those people who take it socially. My students really like it. Thanks for the great ideas, epicryan14. Scatter works when trying to learn how to spell something. Add Chinese pinyin as a keyboard language in your iPhone settings. Hi me again, for written answers could you give an option to have the spelling for symbols not perfectly correct, like if its the question, Who was the first president? Copy Option should be taken off. My friend, who is in 1st grade, used scatter for one of his spelling tests. Quizlet is brilliant the way it is! Admin distributing valuable information about class announcements. Please excuse my punctuation.

Unrelated study topic while people are trying to be on task. For me, I have found that if a fun way of learning is provided, it helps me to enjoy learning the material more and prevents me from zoning out. Is this a possible addition that could get underway soon? HappyAlley I think the cork board idea is cool. Or maybe like a game where you make up questions for like a study partner or friend and they answer them real time, that way studying is more of a cooperative thing to make it more interesting. Okay everyone, just my two cents. By the way the Quizlet app on the Apple App Store is great. If wanted allows being on a study website fun by being somewhat social and giving your self breaks while still being more on task then going somewhere else to play video games. Quizlet know about it. ME for THEIR failures.

Speller for vocabulary tests. Plus, personalization would be cool too. SO much easier than having to type everything! Use learn mode on an iPhone 4S or 5 with Siri and you can test your Chinese pronunciation too! You could have a different one if someone finishes learn mode on 50 sets. It would be cool if there was a way to assign a certain flashcard set and test the students on it, then get their scores. Personally, I really like the idea of bringing class discussions back and the cork board sounds like a great implementation of that. Those were my points of view and are not necessarily true.

The post per a minute Are Increasing at a hastened incremented pace! You should make it so that you can speak the term. Speller is a great way to begin familiarizing yourself with words for the first time. So, essentially, I use Quizlet to make practice tests for myself. Like in real flashcards. In Learn Mode hit the Siri icon.

Unfortunately I am sure that many people would agree that the last update that came out was a very big change. Brand name of a drug, with the generic name of the drug to the purpose of the drug. This would encourage people to study more to earn more badges or patches. Quizlet should change the change picture to where they could get their own profile pics off the internet. For example, if I wanted to learn Mandarin, I think it would be more helpful if I could ask my friend who speaks it to record the words I want so I could hear a voice I am familiar with. Python for a little while.

You could program it so that class members and administrators would be able to post study notes and reminders, things coming up, etc. Thank You for the feedback guys! We should have a hangman game in quizlet. Another suggestion I have is to make the number of new comments posted for a set on its box or link like how the number of flashcards in the set is posted in the box that takes you to that set. If you are actually working on the discussion box right now and refining it or something then I and probably most of us are very happy. This allows me to sort of familiarize myself with the terms.

Really not liking the update, looks too much life Facebook! Quizlet because I can learn in a fun and not difficult way. MUST HAVE MULTIPLAYER GAME BACK! Three way testing would be cool. Champions can be determined by who won the most games, and the other people who play the game will be placed on the leader board by number of wins. Quizlet will help your grades in all of your classes if you use it right.

In Flashcards remembered the words we already knew, we could focus on the ones we cannot memorize. PLEASE MAKE IT SO YOU CAN SPEAK THE TERM! The functionality to be able to make folders for our sets so that their not so disorganized. State Department in China. This was a somewhat large problem for those classes that relied on the chat feature everyday. Bulletin tab for a class: This would be excellent for those classes who are actually school classes. In short, I would like to make sure that people are utilizing the right study materials for the right things by personalizing the activities that an individual can do on each set.

However, things in parentheses will not be ignored in learn mode. Quizlet day to day. Additionally, offline support would be a great addition for such an app, as it would allow people to take Quizlet on an iPod without WiFi. This would be great for those teachers that give out hw assignments and also it would be great to tell announcements to the entire class. And after some time you go back to repeat the previously learnt. People should be able to choose how they use this wonderful resource. The January option cannot be the closer expiration, since the following December is 11 months away. Since the index closed at 315.

Since the market can rise an infinite amount, the potential profit is unlimited. If the market goes to zero, the put writer will experience the maximum potential loss of money. December, the January contract is 1 month farther out. If the market value drops, any loss of money on the portfolio will be offset by a profit on the long puts. If this happens, the call expires and the customer loses the full value of the stock. Options contracts lose time premium as the position nears expiration; this is not true for stock positions. To hedge the portfolio, puts should be purchased. The OEX closed this day at 350. Since Dec expires before Jan, it will be cheaper.

Since it is a bull spread, it must be profitable in a rising market. The maximum loss of money occurs if the stock becomes worthless. Both options and stocks are actively traded on exchanges, so there is little liquidity risk for both. The customer wants to protect the portfolio from a declining market with the use of OEX contracts. The writer of a call receives the premium for the contract. If the portfolio were as volatile as the market, 10 put contracts would be needed to hedge. The sale of a call has unlimited loss of money potential, as does the short sale of stock.

The premium on the OEX May 310 Call contract is 10. This is a horizontal or calendar spread, where the positions have the same strike price, but different expirations. The put is purchased as a hedge. The customer gains, however, if the stock price rises. The fund does not invest in such industries as tobacco, alcohol, pornography, gambling, or military production. The fund uses its shareholder power, if necessary, to influence corporate behavior. Maximum order size of 3 million shares. NYSE as a new Day order each day. NASDAQ and also for OTCBB and Pink OTC Markets issues. Firms prefer to use it because it is cheaper and faster than having a floor trader manually handle the order.

Selling stock at the direction of a customer and using the proceeds to buy another stock for that customer. NYSE trading now goes through Super Display Book. If the buyer finds that the wrong securities are being delivered, or that there is a problem, such as the securities not having a proper assignment, or a coupon bond missing coupons, then the buyer may reject the delivery. The system can only handle round lots. It is an electronic order entry, order matching, and trade reporting system. Buying and selling short the same security in different markets to lock in a price differential. Accepts market and limit orders.

With a short combination, the investor makes money if the stock stays inside the breakeven points. The contracts do not have position limits. ABC subsequently declines to 54 and the option is exercised. When determining position limits for listed options contracts and LEAPS contracts on the same side of the market, which of the following statements is TRUE? In this position, the unlimited risk of the stock is only protected on the upside by the premium received. If a customer believes the price of ABC is going to fall, which of the following option strategies would be appropriate? No approval is required, provided the representative does not make any recommendations. Which of the following would not be a concern for an investor writing a naked option? If the option expires when the stock is trading at 44. Write calls on ABC.

The option is at the money. This ensures the investor may purchase the stock without financial loss of money and deliver it at 50 if the short call is exercised. ROP designated by the firm to handle compliance and supervisory issues. An investor faces unlimited dollar risk when short stock, short a naked call, or when a short stock position is combined with a short put. It stops the holding period on 100 shares. For a long call to cover a short call, it must have the same or lower strike price and the same or longer expiration.

Japan discovers oil in the Pacific, while earthquakes in England cause havoc. How can he best protect himself against a decline in the dollar? Buy British pound calls. It stops the holding period on 300 shares. The option is at parity. If at expiration for XYZ options, XYZ stock closes at 40. Sell British pound calls. Buy British pound puts.

ABC July 60 put at 3 when ABC is at 61. If a registered representative wants to appear on a radio talk show to discuss various options strategies, which of the following statements is TRUE? Write puts on ABC. There is no time value, since the option is at the expiration date. The investor has the right to sell the stock for 65 when it is currently worth 63. Short 1 ABC Jan 50 put; short 100 shares of ABC. Buy calls on ABC. The contracts are considered separately. US exchange listed foreign currency option premiums are quoted in which of the following? If the call is exercised, which two statements are TRUE? This is covered call writing.

Short 1 ABC Jan 35 call; long 1 ABC Jan 40 call. It has no impact on the holding period for any of the shares owned by the investor. To profit with limited risk, which of the following foreign currency option transactions would you recommend? ABC Jan 65 put at 6 and 1 ABC Jan 55 call at 7 when ABC is trading at 60. Short 100 shares of ABC; long 1 ABC call. The contracts are added to increase the position limits. For tax purposes, cost basis per share is 61. Sell British pound puts. Long June 45 call. Buy puts on ABC. Which of the following positions has an unlimited dollar risk?

The contracts must be aggregated. When XYZ stock trades at 40 and an XYZ Oct 35 call trades at 5, which of the following statements is TRUE? Short 1 ABC Jan 50 put. If an investor buys 300 shares of FLB, and one month later buys 1 FLB Jul 50 put, how does this affect the holding period on his or her stock? DEF at 70, but several months later, the stock is trading at 82. For tax purposes, cost basis per share is 62. If the stock subsequently falls to 77. If the investor buys the stock at 63. It ends the holding period on the put. What is the stock price at which the speculator would break even? My kids are starting to have longer attention spans and better grades. They appear back to back. It has definitely increased the learning and engagement, as well as communication and collaboration in my French classroom.

My students and I absolutely love Quizlet Live. Source: Screenshot from Quizizz. Blockbusters, called Connect, has one down really well with my students of all ages. Learn all about the Blind Kahoot! What makes it different: Ghost mode. All in all it is wayyyy too time consuming just to create one game. Teachers can simply download the excel spreadsheet at the end of a Kahoot session and import them into Zzish.

The team behind quizalize rocks! Hi Matt, thanks very much for the write up! The team aspect of the game makes it even better, as the students feel accountable to each other so they do their best. This helps my slower readers and thinkers. Quizalize is the choice for you. This makes them good for 1st or second graders but useless for teachers who really want to test their kids. Kahoot and Quizizz a lot and like them equally for different reasons. HOOPS THE NEW GAME IS WONDERFUL!

Question: Which tools have you used, and what was your experience? Also, a few kids hack the Kahoot answers and get everything right somehow. Not sure if what subject area you are, but I build think time in my Kahoots. Do you have any ideas on how I can fix this? Source: Screenshot from Quizlet. Charles Wiles, Founder of Zzish, creators of Quizalize. What makes it different: True team play.

Home to find the right place to get my students started. That goes to show how fast technology is changing in classrooms. It makes the same game different the second time you play it. You can leave a comment by clicking here. The team game lets students work together and see their results in real time on the projector screen. Unfortunately, some disrespectful kids in my class use some Kahoot hacks to take away the fun and learning from the game. Students like the anonymous feature, but you can also display names with answers. The scan works from quite a distance. Students get how to play it quickly and not difficult, and teachers can jump right in, too. KAHOOTS I hope you read this.

They can keep their cards all year, and I just create new sets of questions to go with our units of study. The Price Is Right. It eliminates the copying that occurs when some students put up their answers on a whiteboard. Quizalize stands out with the data that it offers on how students are doing. Thanks for the great website recommendation. As a child, I remember one specific thing I always looked forward to on days when I stayed home sick from school.

He likes the results a lot, and his students do, too. Kahoots and told them my complaints. The best features of game shows can be used to review and teach in the classroom. Several digital tools created for the classroom bring those exciting experiences to students with learning as the focus. Kahoot since last year and Quizlet for many years. The second question is the exact same one, except it is worth points and the answer choices are all available. Bob Barker was the consummate host and kept things moving.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Both answers are correct and the students pick an answer after they have processed the question and have an answer. They are my favourite ones! Like the others, you can create questions and answers and deliver them to your class. Many of my students in their weekly reflection papers on academic growth have expressed that Quizlet Live is the best tool they have found so far to help them learn Spanish vocabulary. My students seem to like it. The results are displayed on the screen for everyone to see. Check out that post here! Quizziz and Socrative too.

Making the questions is really tedious, I wish I could not difficult transfer these games which I already have prepared from PowerPoint. The questions and possible answers are all pulled from your existing Quizlet study sets. Game show classroom: Comparing Kahoot! You create the questions on the website, then scan with the app. Quizizz is different because the questions and possible answers are displayed individually on student devices. The cards are anonymous and it is not not difficult to tell what your neighbor has answered. It levels the playing field for them.

Matt speaks at schools, conferences and events about intentional technology use in the classroom. When a Quizizz game is over, you can review all the questions all at once, and you lose that isolation. Plickers with my 5th grade class. Instead of students answering individual questions on their individual devices, Quizlet puts students in groups. Quizlet Live may not be your game. Kahoot quizzes using hundreds of fake usernames which destroys the purpose of this game. Pros: The interface is simple. Pros: Teamwork and communication. The students are assigned a personal QR Code type image that I have printed large on white cardstock.

Cons: It lacks some of the flash and fun of the other platforms. My kids loved Kahoot when I started using it, but now, Quizlet Live blows everything else away. Suddenly Spanish teachers across the USA were raving about how wonderful this application was and how very much their students liked the game and engaged in it. But when everyone is answering different questions at different times, you lose a bit of the excitement. Source: Screenshot from Quizalize. Thank you for all the resources, tool and knowledge, Matt. Spanish Teachers in the US. These are awful programs, they do not allow for more than 4 answers to a question, have a small character limit for questions and do they allow multiple answers.

You have inspired and encouraged me for a long time to ditch the textbook more and more often and use these interactive tools in my classroom, and I am a better teacher for it. If you decide to purchase, think of it as a way of supporting Ditch That Textbook without paying anything extra! TV was tuned to that game show around lunch time. What other similar tools have you used? Everyone sees the question on the projector at the same time and everyone answers at the same time. Quizalize games to others for a fee a la Teachers Pay Teachers. Love this progressive aspect. Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Source: Screenshot from getkahoot.

Was a huge success with students! See their pros, cons and what makes them different. The first question has a long time limit and is worth zero points. Like the others, there are existing games you can search and use. That by itself creates an electric environment. This brings students together in a game where they must depend on each other. All possible answers are divided amongst the devices of all students participating. Interested in having Matt present at your event or school? What makes it different: Memes.

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Trade a customized quantity and quality of a product for future exchange at a customized time, place, and price. Black modified this model to calculate premiums for options on futures. Of a trade on an organized exchange include the fee paid to a licensed broker and liquify cost. An unfavorable price change during this interval may eliminate the expected arbitrage return. Then, take delivery, thus offsetting the futures position, and sell the commodity in the delivery spot market. The animalization process discussed above is inverted: Divide annual implied volatility by the square root of the number of the desired trading period in a year. If the correlation between futures price and cash price is positive and large enough, variance of the basis will be less than the variance of cash price.

Completely and accurately reflects all information known at the time price is quoted. Price volatility, trading volume, credit worthiness of a trader, and unique situations. Major step forward when Fisher Black and Myron Scholes developed a mathematical formula to calculate premiums for options on stocks. Search costs include the monetary value of the risk that a favorable price disappears before the other party is found. Other than the premium, these two put options have identical contract specifications and were traded at the same time. Note: Trends vary by length of time and are difficult to initially identify because prices are volatile. Then, make delivery, thus offsetting the futures position.

Thus, the price at which an order is executed is unlikely to be either the equilibrium price or the previous price. Because future changes in price and basis are uncertain. Only by trading can you find out if you are one of the few traders who can outsmart a market. Expected intrinsic value can be calculated if we know the price distribution expected at expiration. This arbitrage is risky. The only type of hedging that requires ownership of a commodity is storage hedging. Trades on organized futures and option exchanges have low search costs since trades are impersonal. However, during delivery month at the delivery point, the futures market becomes a cash market. The maximum change in price up or down from the previous settle.

Thus, like a futures position, a short option position is margined. Identifying, then entering, then exiting a position. An option premium can be thought of as the payment an option buyer must make upfront to induce an option seller to bear the risk of adverse changes in an option premium. Percent change of futures price is normally distributed. Technical trading involves identifying past trends, particularly in price. Involves contemporaneously storing a commodity and selling a futures contract closet to, but beyond, the expected sell date of the stored commodity. The asymmetric cash flows also lead to the common statement that an option buyer acquires the right to walk away from the option if the premium is zero since the losses are already paid.

Trade a standardized quantity and quality of a product for future exchange at a standardized place and time, but price is customized for each trade. Thus, part of the skill in pricing options is finding the best measure of volatility. No trade is rational if it is not expected to cover costs, including the risk premium. Are the costs associated with finding a willing trading partner. Is the contemporaneous spread difference between a cash price and a futures price for the same commodity. Are options that can be exercised only at expiration.

But, higher margins increase the amount required to trade, which reduces trading volume. New bullish and bearish info is generated randomly. Thus, in core production areas, return to hedge storage should be less risky than return to cash storage. Clearing corporations determine a settlement price by examining the closing range of prices and trading activity within this range. An efficient market will immediately, accurately, and completely incorporate the new information. Such is not the case for volatility. Volatility, not premium, is treated as the unknown variable.

In 1891, the Minneapolis Exchange was the first to create a clearing corporation. Moreover, cash price is usually lower in a surplus production area than in a surplus demand area due to the cost of transporting the commodity between them. Contract specifications are periodically updated by exchanges to reflect changes in the underlying cash market. Depends on correctly forecasting relative change in the legs. The more trades, the lower the transaction cost per trade and thus more likely trading will occur. Hedge storage is a spread with long cash and short future legs. The put and call premiums will be the same when the strike price is the futures price, plus and minus transaction cost. Hence, a cost of this arbitrage trade is the risk premium that must exist to cover the potential cost of unfavorable price change. If price closes at the limit, the limit usually expands and may disappear.

If price does not vary, no return is earned to cover trading costs. The reason is that offsetting captures the premium, or both intrinsic value and time value. Longs do not control delivery and thus must wait for a short to deliver. However, a potential cash outflow exists if the premium changes adversely. These models provide a rationale for option pricing; but just as importantly provide an estimated premium that can serve as the starting point for trading options. No commonly accepted period exists. Option buyers control exercise.

Higher price volatility increases the probability of soft contracts and thus the need for higher margins. Transaction costs are included because an arbitrage trade will occur only if you can cover transaction costs. Futures price can be considered a measure of world supply and demand information while cash price can be considered a measure of local supply and demand information. Thus, for the same quality of a commodity, the futures price and cash price should be nearly identical, implying the basis has converged to near zero. It implies option time value decays exponentially faster as expiration nears. This method has the potential to increase net return and reduce risk to hedge storage by identifying both when and when not to hedge store. Gross return to hedge storage is the sum of gross return to unhedge storage plus gross return to the futures hedge. Values for the first 4 variables are not difficult obtained.

The weighted probability method of calculating European option premiums requires knowing the distribution of future price. Successful trades struggle with the mean price let alone a price distribution. Thus, price must change for trading to occur.

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